So as a Jew -- and an American -- what is my reaction to the election results in a 100 words or less (79 words left - oy!)? Pride...pride is my overwhelming emotion....pride in America for transcending - in this one election - the toxic myopias of RACE, SEX and AGE...and pride as a Jew knowing that this kind of "advanced thinking" emerges organically from the very first chapters of our foundational text - the Torah. As my 8 year old son noted: "Abba - your very emotional about a BLACK MAN moving in to a WHITE HOUSE". And of this sensitive observation I am most proud...Shehecheyanu VeKeyemanu VeHegeyanu LaZman Hazeh...Thank you God for enabling us to experience this auspicious moment!
Rabbi Carnie Shalom Rose
Senior RabbiCongregation Bnai Amoona
324 South Mason Road
Creve Coeur, MO 63141
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