Friday, October 24, 2008

UH to Hold 'Tolerance' Assembly About Parkway Incident

Some United Hebrew religious school students were involved. Discussion to include kids grades 6-10.

United Hebrew Rabbi Brigitte Rosenberg and Cheryl Watley, director of education, will facilitate an assembly of 100-plus religious school students in grades 6 – 10 this Sunday (Oct. 26) to talk about the “Hit a Jew Day” incident at Parkway West Middle School.

“The assembly will focus on tolerance and what it means to be singled out as a Jews…or singled out for anything,” said Rabbi Rosenberg. “A small incident like this can lead to something larger and we want the students to understand the significance of what happened.”

Rabbi Rosenberg added that such issues will be addressed as “why adults are making such a big deal of this, how do we react when things like this happen, who do we tell, who supports us, how do we do we handle or report this without everyone making fun of us if we tell a teacher. The kids will also be asked to talk about instances of when they’ve been singled out because they’re Jewish and how they reacted.”

The assembly will be followed up with a mailing of talking points to all parents of students to help them discuss prejudice and tolerance with their children at home.

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